A star is born

February 21, 2019

Disrupt the established order

Today, with an excellent IT developer, it is possible to create your digital currency and offer it to the whole world. Digital geniuses have thus taken over the prerogatives of the States, by creating a new monetary system.

Bitcoin has been emulated, there are more than twenty thousand cryptocurrencies in circulation.

But few have truly useful value propositions

Bitcoin is rare because, unlike national currencies, its money supply is finite, and it has utility as an easily exchangeable store of value. Rare and useful, bitcoin therefore has a value.

A financial innovation laboratory

In short, Cryptoworld is a laboratory of financial innovations on a planetary scale, some notable innovations :

- fundraising in cryptocurrencies

- decentralized cryptocurrency marketplaces

- central bank currencies (Central Bank Digital Cryptocurrency - CBDC)

- smart contracts : for economic actors, smart contracts allow long-term transactions. The buyer acquires tokens governed by a contract and entitling them to future payments or services


Let's take advantage of the opportunities the technological advances of the blockchain offer to improve the economic system

cryptocurrencies are only in their infancy, let's make them evolve positively

The bitcoin system remunerates its “miners”, those who participate in the certification of transactions. Why do not also remunerate beneficent persons ?

An economic transaction always has a community dimension, its positive externalities for the community must be taken into account. And the contribution to the community of a service rendered, just like for example the environmental impact of a product, can be measured objectively.

Promote positive actions

Part of the value created by a new digital currency could be used to reward behaviors beneficial to society.

The monetary system of the future will have to be useful to economic actors.

The monetary system of the future will have to be useful to economic actors and, above all, it will have to serve its users by promoting positive actions and sustainable transactions, because the well-being is not just about a product purchased and an amount transferred.

Cheerbitcoin is born from these thoughts

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